Six new seahiking instructors trained

The sport of seahiking has gained six instructors! After the successful North Seahike Tour, three new Seahiking locations were added: Paal50 on Vlieland, Waves ’n Ripples in ‘s-Gravenzande and Surfkaravaan in Ouddorp. Click here to see the locations and their trainers.
New locations, of course, means new trainers! Because guiding a seahiking session is not easy. As a seahiking instructor, you need to know everything about safety, equipment, warm-up, and of course: all the different exercises!

On Monday 12 June, six new candidate instructors from all locations gathered for the very first Train-the-Trainer Event in Seahiking history! In one afternoon, they were trained and certified, in both theory and practice, to deliver safe and versatile seahiking sessions.
Are you or do you know someone who wants to get certified? Then get in touch!