
Seahiking wins national innovation challenge

Seahiking has won the innovation challenge ‘Moving in open water’. This competition was launched from the Sportinnovator programme (part of ZonMw, the Dutch organisation for health research and health care innovation). Its aim was to let more people exercise and move in open water. From the 27 entries, the jury chose seahiking as one of three winners.

From the jury report:

The jury finds the proposed concept of Coastal Gym one that builds on existing knowledge and experiences from abroad. The activity is well thought out and the initiators have a clear goal in mind. The jury is convinced that this activity can inspire new target groups to start exercising in open water. The activity can be interesting for a broad target group, both as an intensive workout and as an accessible means of exercising in nature (..) In addition, the jury is positive about the deployment of the train-the-trainer concept, which makes the activity easy to scale up to new locations along the coast, and possibly even recreational lakes.


Our goal is to share seahiking with all (potential) water lovers of the Netherlands and internationally! This website will be used as a platform for information and inspiration. Both in Dutch and in English. In addition, we will begin out North Seahike Tour in May, where we will aim to introduce as many people as possible to seahiking. Do you know a nice surf or SUP centre that could become a starting location during the North Seahike Tour? Let us know via the contact form.

Can’t wait to try out seahiking? You can already join a free seahiking session now in Scheveningen. To sign up, contact Coastal Gym.